A World of Salvias Home Page

Placard Books

My horticultural contributions to the Salvia and herb literature include three self-published data bases in a placard format with 12 fields of information on each entry.  Each placard is a table that can be used for signage, although it is most used as a grower's reference by collectors, botanic gardens, and nurseries. 
Description of the Placard Books
Fair Use Terms
History of the Placard Books
Prices of the Placard Books

Table of Contents of the Salvia Placard Book

New - Second edition just released January 8, 2001 with 204 Sages described

Salvia Books by Other Authors; Reviews

Description of Placard Books

Sample entry from Salvia Placard Book

The Salvia Placard Book, along with the two Herb Placard Books, are data bases of information on new and neglected herbs and perennials with ornamental, medicinal, and herbal value.  Set up in the form of a small table, entries can be copied at a smaller scale, trimmed to size, and laminated to make signage.  Most people buy them as a horticultural reference, though.

Intended for use by nurseries, botanic gardens, herbalists, garden writers, and salvia enthusiasts, they are currently available as hard copy, printed on 20 pound paper bound by an office 3-hole binder, and in electronic form as MS Word and Corel WordPerfect documents.  Demand and resources prior to this web page have called for very limited press runs.

NEW!!  I am now offering the second edition of the Salvia placard Handbook, with a total of 204 Salvias described.  A number of the older items have been corrected, and more information on provenance has been added.

Future development: If there is sufficient demand, future runs of the placard books will be permanently bound, along with a price reduction.  Increased demand also will increase the possibility of inclusion of color images.  The two Herb Placard Books will be merged (without Salvia entries) and updated with new and expanded entries if there is sufficient interest.  Please send me e-mail on your opinion.

Books and disks are sent on 30 day approval; either returned merchandise or payment is expected at that time.

Fair Use Terms

The copyrights on the placards will allow you to make personal use copies only.  It is my intent that the contents can be used as research material for other publications (but see below about data bases).

It is also my intent to allow the Xeroxing and laminating of individual placards for the labeling and identification of plants in the nursery, but not the sale of the individual placards as they exist in this publication.  I will allow the use of the data as part of the creation of other placards, as long as they are reformatted and the content has been reworded without altering the content significantly.

Since it is my intent to use this and further data to construct Salvia data bases,  I expect that any use of this material will not compromise my interests.  I reserve the right to not sell digital copies to other parties who want to use the information in data bases without a mutual understanding and agreement.

Questions about my claims and advice on the use of this publication and the individual placards can be obtained by calling me at 336-674-3105, e-mailing me at salvia@infi.net, or writing to me at 313 Spur Road, Greensboro, North Carolina  27406  USA 

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Hard Copy:

Volume 1: Herb Placards & Hort. Info. for 104 Varieties (1993) $20.00
Volume 2: Herb Placards & Hort. Info. for 155 Varieties (1994)
Salvia Placard Handbook, 2nd ed. (2001)

3½ Floppy Disk 
(please indicate WordPerfect or MS Word preference):

Volume 1: Herb Placards & Hort. Info. for 104 Varieties (1993) $15.00
Volume 2: Herb Placards & Hort. Info. for 155 Varieties (1994)
Salvia Placard Handbook, 2nd ed. (2001)

Hard Copy/Floppy Special:

Volume 1: Herb Placards & Hort. Info. for 104 Varieties (1993) $25.00
Volume 2: Herb Placards & Hort. Info. for 155 Varieties (1994)
Salvia Placard Handbook, 2nd ed. (2001)

Add $4.25 for Shipping and Handling

ORDER FORMS for the placard book may be downloaded in several formats:

Print the form as a Web Page (simplest way, but poorest quality and non-editable):

Web page receipt form

A PDF form can be downloaded and printed here:

Acrobat PDF order form

Get the Adobe Acrobat 6.0 reader from this site:

Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0

Zipped MS Word document (editable) and GIF image forms can be downloaded here:

MS Word and GIF order forms

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Table of Contents of the Salvia Placard Book:

Salvia aethiopis Mediterranean Sage
Salvia africana (S. africana caerulea) African Sage
Salvia amplexicaulis Clasping Meadow Sage
Salvia apiana  White Sage
Salvia arizonica Arizona Sage
Salvia aurea (S. africana lutea)  Golden African Sage
Salvia azurea grandiflora  Prairie Sage
Salvia blepharophylla Eyelash-leaved Sage
Salvia blepharophylla `Diablo' Eyelash-leaved Sage (Diablo form)
Salvia blepharophylla `Painted Ladies' Eyelash-leaved Sage (Painted Ladies form)
Salvia blepharophylla  `Sweet Numbers'  Eyelash-leaved Sage (Dulces Nombres form)
Salvia buchananii Buchanan's Fuchsia Sage
Salvia cacaliaefolia Guatemalan Blue Vine Sage
Salvia canariensis  Canary Island Sage
Salvia candelabrum  Candelabra Sage
Salvia cardinalis (Salvia fulgens form) Mexican Cardinal Sage
Salvia carduacea  Thistle Sage 
Salvia chamaedryoides Germander Sage
Salvia chamelaeagnea African Blue Sage 
Salvia chiapensis Chiapas Sage
Salvia chionophylla Snowflake Sage
Salvia clevelandii `Winnifred Gilman' True Blue Ball Sage, Cleveland Sage
Salvia clevelandii `Aromas' Aromas Blue Ball Sage, Cleveland Sage
Salvia clevelandii  `Pozo Blue'  Pozo Blue Ball Sage, Cleveland Sage
Salvia clevelandii x leucophylla  Blue Ball Sage, Cleveland Sage
Salvia coahuilensis Indigo Purple Autumn Sage
Salvia coccinea `Alba' White Tropical Sage
Salvia coccinea `Bicolor'  Bicolored Tropical Sage
Salvia columbariae  Golden Chia
Salvia confertiflora Sabra Spike Sage, Harvest Sage
Salvia coulteri  Coulter's Sage
Salvia cyanea (S. concolor)  Mexican Sky-blue Sage
Salvia davidsonii  Davidson's Sage
Salvia dentata Toothed Sage
Salvia discolor Andean Silver Leaf Sage
Salvia disjuncta  Fruit Scented Sage
Salvia divinorum Oaxacan Medicinal Sage
Salvia dolomitica  Dolomite Sage 
Salvia dombeyi Sacred Incan Sage
Salvia dorisiana Grapefruit-scented Sage
Salvia elegans (S. rutilans)  Pineapple Sage
Salvia elegans (S. rutilans) `Frieda Dixon' Salmon-colored Pineapple Sage
Salvia elegans  Creeping Pineapple Sage
Salvia elegans Honey Melon Sage
Salvia elegans rel. Chiapas Scarlet Sage
Salvia farinacea x. longispicata  `Indigo Spires' Indigo Spires Mealycup Sage
Salvia flava  Himalayan Yellow Sage
Salvia forskaohlei (S. forskahlei, S. forsskaoli) Forskahl's Sage
Salvia fruticosa (Salvia triloba) Greek Sage (`Alisfakia', `Faskomilo')
Salvia fulgens Brilliant Red Sage
Salvia gesneraeflora `Mole Poblano' Big Mexican Scarlet Sage
Salvia gesneraeflora  `Tequila'  Big Mexican Scarlet Sage
Salvia glechomaefolia  Ground Ivy Sage
Salvia glutinosa Yellow Sage, Jupiter's Distaff
Salvia greggii `Alba'  White Texas Sage
Salvia greggii `Big Pink'  Big Pink Texas Sage
Salvia greggii `Cherry Red' Cherry Red Autumn Sage
Salvia greggii `Cienega do Oro'  Yellow Autumn Sage
Salvia greggii `Desert Blaze'  Desert Blaze Texas Sage
Salvia greggii `Dwarf Pink'  Dwarf Pink Texas Sage
Salvia greggii `Furman's Red'  Red Texas Sage
Salvia greggii `Lowry's Peach' Lowry's Peach-colored Sage
Salvia greggii `Moonlight'  Moonlight Texas Sage
Salvia greggii `Orange Yucca-Do'  Orange Texas Sage
Salvia greggii `Peach La Encantada' Peach La Encantada Sage
Salvia greggii `Rosea' Rose Texas Sage
Salvia greggii `Rosea' Manuel's Rose Texas Sage
Salvia greggii `Salmon La Encantada' Salmon La Encantada Sage
Salvia greggii `San Isidro Moon'  Orange Moon Autumn Sage
Salvia greggii `Señorita Leah' Señorita Leah Autumn Sage
Salvia greggii `Sierra San Antonio'  Orange & Yellow Autumn Sage
Salvia greggii  x `Dark Dancer'  Dark Dancer Autumn Sage
Salvia greggii x blepharophylla `Cherry Queen' Cherry Queen Autumn Sage
Salvia greggii x lemmonii `Plum Wine'  Plum Wine Texas Sage
Salvia greggii x lemmonii `Raspberry Royale'  Raspberry Royale Texas Sage
Salvia greggii x microphylla  `Red Velvet'  Red Velvet Autumn Sage
Salvia greggii x microphylla  `Cherry Chief'  Cherry Chief Autumn Sage
Salvia guaranitica Anise-scented Sage
Salvia guaranitica `Argentina Skies'  Argentine Blue Sage
Salvia guaranitica `Black and Blue' Black and Blue Guarani Sage
Salvia guaranitica Costa Rican Blue Sage
Salvia guaranitica x gesneraeflora  `Purple Majesty     ' Purple Majesty Sage
Salvia henryi  Henry's Sage
Salvia hians  Blue Gaping Sage
Salvia holwayi Holway's Sage
Salvia interrupta Interrupted Sage
Salvia involucrata var. bethelii Roseleaf Sage (Logee)
Salvia involucrata `Hadspen' Roseleaf Sage (Wave Hill)
Salvia involucrata var. Flamingo Sage (Smith College)
Salvia involucrata var. Roseleaf Sage (Yucca-Do)
Salvia involucrata x `Mulberry Jam' Mulberry Jam Roseleaf Sage (Wave Hill)
Salvia iodantha Huntington B. G. Mexican Fuchsia Sage
Salvia iodantha SW Native Seeds Mexican Fuchsia Sage
Salvia iodantha x `Louis Saso'  Saso's Purple Sage
Salvia x jamensis `Devantville' Devantville Autumn Sage
Salvia x jamensis `La Luna' La Luna Autumn Sage
Salvia x jamensis `La Siesta' La Siesta Autumn Sage
Salvia x jamensis `La Tarda' La Tarda Autumn Sage
Salvia x jamensis `Pat Vlasto' Pat Vlasto Autumn Sage
Salvia jurisicii  Jurisic's Lavender Sage
Salvia karwinskii Karwinski's Red Sage
Salvia karwinskii x puberula Grey Roseleaf Sage 
Salvia koyamae Japanese Yellow Sage `Shinano Akigiri'
Salvia lavandulifolia  Spanish Sage
Salvia leucantha Mexican Bush Sage `White'
Salvia leucantha `Midnight' Mexican Bush Sage `All-purple'
Salvia leucantha aff. Waverly Bush Sage
Salvia leucantha x rutilans `Anthony Parker'  Anthony Parker Bush Sage
Salvia leucophylla Whiteleaf Sage
Salvia littae  Litta Purple Sage
Salvia lycioides Canyon Sage
Salvia lycioides x greggii `San Isidro' San Isidro Lavender Autumn Sage
Salvia lycioides x greggii `Los Lirios'  Los Lirios Purple Autumn Sage
Salvia lyrata  Lyre-leaved Sage 
Salvia madrensis Forsythia Sage
Salvia melissodora (Tarahumara selection) Grape-scented Sage
Salvia melissodora (Yucca-Do selection) Yucca-Do Balm-scented Sage
Salvia mellifera  Black Sage
Salvia mexicana (giant form from Oaxaca) Large Mexican Sage
Salvia mexicana `Compton's form'  Compton's Mexican Sage
Salvia mexicana `La Placita'  La Placita Mexican Sage
Salvia mexicana `Limelight' Limelight Mexican Sage
Salvia mexicana `Lollie Jackson'  Lollie Jackson Mexican Sage
Salvia mexicana `Ocampo'  Ocampo Mexican Sage
Salvia mexicana  `Puerto de la Zorra'  Puerto de la Zorra Mexican Sage
Salvia mexicana `Tula'  Golden-calyx Mexican Sage
Salvia mexicana f. minor Small Mexican Sage
Salvia microphylla (Deltoid-leaved form) Littleleaf Sage (Hidalgo)
Salvia microphylla (Huntington Botanic Garden) Littleleaf Sage
Salvia microphylla var. neurepia  Fruity Littleleaf Sage 
Salvia microphylla var. wislizeni (S. lemmonii) Lemmon's Littleleaf Sage
Salvia microphylla `San Carlos Festival' San Carlos Festival Littleleaf Sage
Salvia microphylla `Dieciocho de Marzo' 18th of March Littleleaf Sage
Salvia microphylla `Hoja Grande' Hoja Grande Littleleaf Sage
Salvia microphylla `La Trinidad' La Trinidad Littleleaf Sage
Salvia microphylla SWNS Magenta  Magenta Littleleaf Sage
Salvia microphylla SWNS Purple  Purple Littleleaf Sage
Salvia microphylla SWNS Red  Red Littleleaf Sage
Salvia microphylla `Wild Watermelon' Wild Watermelon Littleleaf Sage
Salvia microphylla `Zaragoza' Zaragoza Littleleaf Sage
Salvia microphylla x greggii `Maraschino' Maraschino Cherry Sage
Salvia miltiorrhiza  Chinese Medicinal Sage
Salvia miniata Belize Sage
Salvia moorcroftiana  Moorcroft's Wooly Sage
Salvia muelleri Royal Purple Autumn Sage
Salvia muirii  Sky Blue African Sage
Salvia nemerosa x `East Friesland'  Meadow Sage
Salvia nipponica `Fuji Snow Variegated Honshu Yellow Sage
Salvia nubicola  Himalayan Yellow Sage
Salvia officinalis  salicifolia  Dwarf Vatican Sage
Salvia officinalis `Berggarten'  Mountain Garden Sage
Salvia oppositiflora Peruvian Salmon Sage
Salvia palaestina Palestine Sage
Salvia patens Gentian Sage
Salvia patens `Cambridge Blue'  Light Blue Gentian Sage
Salvia patens `White Trophy'  White Gentian Sage
Salvia penstemonoides Big Red Sage (Texas)
Salvia plebia  Annual Chinese Medicinal Sage
Salvia pratensis Meadow Sage
Salvia pratensis rubicunda Rose Meadow Sage
Salvia przewalskii  Przewalski's Chinese Sage
Salvia puberula  Hairy Roseleaf Sage (Hidalgo)
Salvia puberula `El Butano'  El Butano Roseleaf Sage
Salvia pulchella Showy Fruit-scented Sage
Salvia purpurea Mexican Purple Sage
Salvia recognita  Turkish Rose Sage
Salvia recurva  Big Blue Mexican Sage
Salvia regla  Coahuila Mountain Sage
Salvia regla  Hidalgo Mountain Sage
Salvia regla `Mount Emory' Chisos Mountain Sage
Salvia regla `Warnock's Choice' Warnock's Mountain Sage
Salvia repens var. repens African Creeping Sage
Salvia reptans (formerly S. leptophylla) Texas Blue Creeping Sage
Salvia roemeriana Cedar Brake Sage
Salvia scabra Rough Leaved Sage
Salvia schaffneri (darcyi, oresbia)  Galeana Red Sage
Salvia sclarea Clary Sage
Salvia scutellarioides Columbian Blue Ivy Sage
Salvia semiatrata Two-Tone Purple Sage
Salvia sessei Sessé's Sage (Sangre de Toro)
Salvia sinaloensis Sinaloan Sage
Salvia somaliensis  Somali Sage (Siraad, Sifar, Sirad medu)
Salvia sonomensis  Sonoma Sage
Salvia spathacea  Red Pitcher Sage
Salvia species of Smith College Blue Spike Sage
Salvia species from Michoacan, blue Blue Michoacan Sage
Salvia species from Nuevo Leon Silver Leaf Sage
Salvia species from Nuevo Leon Chiquita Blue Sage (Yucca-Do)
Salvia species from Tamaulipas Blue Sky Sage (El Cielo Blue)
Salvia species (Yucca-Do) Purple Stem Sage
Salvia stenophylla  African Narrowleaf Sage 
Salvia taraxicifolia  Moroccan Dandelion Sage
Salvia thymoides Thyme-leaved Sage
Salvia tubifera Orange Long-tubed Sage
Salvia uliginosa Brazilian Bog Sage
Salvia urica (J L Hudson) Blue Bush Sage
Salvia urica (U C Berkeley) Blue Bush Sage
Salvia urticifolia Nettleleaf Sage
Salvia vanhouttei Van Houtte's Brazilian Sage (Burgundy form)
Salvia vanhouttei Van Houtte's Brazilian Sage (Orange form)
Salvia verticillata  Whorled Sage
Salvia villosa Shaggy Sage
Salvia viscosa Sticky Sage
Salvia wagneriana Wagner's Sage

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History of the Placard Books

This publication began as an attempt to provide my customers with the detailed information they needed at the many herb festivals I participated in over the last twenty years.  The information on my rare and unusual offerings was as valuable as the plants themselves.  Assembling, organizing, and publishing this information was also valuable to the nurseries, collectors, and botanic gardens that wanted to sell, study, and display these plants.

The next request by customers was for images, since most of the plants were fall-blooming perennials being sold in the spring.  This led to the images you see in the Gallery of Salvias, first used as laminated signage to augment the text signage.  Addition of quality images to the placard books has proved to be too expensive. 

The World of Salvias web site is my answer to filling this need.  Hopefully, it will provide the interest and additional sources for developing a CD-ROM database that will combine the Gallery images and Placard Book data. The searchable data base is currently planned to be in expanded form with garden images, more tables and utilities.  This will take some time and effort, but the initial data base of Salvia species is already well on the way, with basic public domain information on about 80% of known species organized on several spreadsheets. 

Salvia Books by Other Authors; Reviews:

A Book of Salvias: Sages for Every Garden, by Betsy Clebsch
The Gardener's Guide to Growing Salvias, by John Sutton

Review (Mediterranean Climate Gardening): A Book of Salvias
Review (Mediterranean Climate Gardening): The Gardener's Guide to Growing Salvias
Comparative Review (on MCG site) of Clebsch and Sutton books by R. F. Dufresne

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Links to Living Herbarium Pages:

Digital Files for Sale - Living HerbariumThe First Living Herbarium Print LibraryOrdering Information

Living Herbarium Home PageThe Story Behind the Living Herbarium Prints

Links to Other World of Salvia Pages:

A World of Salvias Home PageHorticultural Links

List of Plants for Sale and Order FormsA Gallery of Salvias Main Index and First VolumeMission statement

2001:  The Year of the SalviaCollage of individual Salvia flowers; taxonomic uses

Salvia FAQ PagesDirections and MapsUtility Pages

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