Plant availability appears to be excellent this spring.
My stock plants broke out of winter dormancy late this year, and I am getting
delayed but excellent production ofcuttings from all of my sizeable stock
plants, including some of those that I usually have to wait until mid summer
for, like S. sessei and S. semiatrata. I have done a spring session
of festivals,
and I should have abundant plants through most of summer. Propagation
is proceeding as rapidly as possible, with some help from friends.
My new Chrysler van allows me to bring many more plants to festivals and larger (3.5 inch size) as well. Because of the rapidly rising prices of petroleum and natural gas, I will be increasing prices soon. Almost every supply used by greenhouses is directly related to the petrochemical industry, from pots to greenhouse plastic to shipping to fuel for my van and greenhouse. NEW ADDITIONS FOR 2008 -- I have seed of some interesting South American species that should make good hummingbird plants. These will be added later, towards the summer. Some of these are Salvia exserta, S. dichlamys (2 forms), S. x westerae, S. curviflora (2 forms), S. sp SL411 (section Biflorae), S. oxyphora, and S. subrotunda, a relative of S. coccinea. Going into production will be Salvia purpurea `Lavender Lace' from Nancy Newfield of Metarie, Louisiana with larger flowers and gray farinaceous calyxes. Also new is the hybrid, Salvia gesneraeflora x mexicana `Raspberry Truffle' from Andy Maycen that blooms the same time as regular S. mexicana and has the form of gesneraeflora with plum colored flowers. It should excel in coastal areas of the Gulf and south Atlantic states. Another Andy Maycen introduction that I am propagating is a `Dancing Flames', a strongly variegated orange sport of a vanhouttei form of S. splendens. For conservatories and subtropical areas, I have a new salvia that may be either S. gravida or S. vasquezii. It is a strongly scented, tall sage (12 feet) with lots of pendulous spikes of 1.5 inch showy fuchsia flowers. Its identity may depend on the size of the bracts, which are large in S. gravida. I should also be able to generate the new plants from the last few years in quantity. These include the Salvia vanhouttei color forms deep purple, plum, and light orange, and Salvia greggii x karwinskii (Riverside Sage), with flowers in whorls of 8 to 10, and having the ability to withstand hot, humid conditions and bloom fora long season. I lost the lavender form, and hope to get it back Also very promising is a selection of Salvia guaranitica from Baton Rouge, LA from Van Remsen. It seems to be most like the classical form, but does not form tubers. It is a form best suited to hotter, more humid areas and has proven superior in both the San Diego and Houston areas. I am also gearing up for production of the various guaranitica forms and S. farinacea x `Indigo Spires' in abundance. The unusually warm January is allowing me to get abundant cuttings of S. greggii and S. microphylla types, which have been in low supply over the last few years. Later in the year I hope to add Salvia farinacea `Henry Duelberg' (blue flowers) and Salvia farinacea `Augusta Duelberg' (white flowers) and some new S. greggii forms. The swap of plants with the Royal Horticultural Society at Wisley was delayed once again and will proceed if circumstances allow. I hope to add new forms from sources on the west coast like Cabrillo College as well. These plants are primarily being offered to nurseries, botanic gardens, research organizations, and collectors. My primary goal is to make the most unusual of these plants available while it is still possible. Nurseries and botanic gardens in particular may be interested. Please note that sales are not exclusive to nurseries and other organizations. I am definitely making my plants available to interested individuals. Seeds, especially rare items, are primarily offered to overseas customers. This is due to the difficulty and expense in exporting plants. Contact me by phone or e-mail if you need to discuss details on availability and methods of shipping or payment. If you want to fax me, please call me first, since I have only one phone line and get them infrequently. Plant Availbility
List: Salvias
The list is broken up into three categories, based on availability. Most plants are immediately available. Current conditions require the keeping of minimal quantities on hand. However, I am willing to do custom propagation from my collection, since this meets my desire to introduce unusual plants to all levels of horticulture, from individual collectors to nurseries, botanic gardens, and research institutes. These will usually take four to six weeks to prepare. Seeds: The availability of seed of Salvias and other Lamiaceae is limited by my subtropical climate which causes a low seed set and difficult harvesting conditions. For rare plants, there may be as little as 5 seeds in a packet. Prices: Plants: I am asking $3.50 (as of May 1, 2001) for each 2.5 inch pot, regardless of variety. Discounts apply to orders for a half-flat of 16 each of any one kind and higher. I strongly suggest that you include some alternate choices, since I may run out of some species in short supply. 3.5 inch pots will go for $5.00 Seeds: Packets of seeds are $2.00 (in US Dollars only). Seeds older than 2001 are at half price Method of payment: I do not take credit cards directly. Money orders in US currency and checks drawn on United States accounts are acceptable, as is the use of PayPal. The original method of making orders and payment is still being used when requested, allowing customers to minimize shipping charges. In this case, the shipping invoice included with the order represents the cost for the plants only. I will then surface mail or email the total bill. I am applying an estimated shipping charge to orders to allow mmediately charges. Here is how the original method works:
For more information on PayPal, go to these web sites: I appreciate feedback on the condition of the plants on arrival. For those of you who want to place an order and pay immediately, I am using estimated shipping charges, based on the accumulated orders I have processed. To allow for my time and the day when I will need to buy all shipping supplies, shipping charges will be more costly but will be payable upfront with the order. The original billing method will remain for customers who wish to be frugal. Shipping is done on Monday, Tuesday, and occasionally on Wednesday to assure arrival before the coming weekend. I usually send by USPS Priority Mail for small orders or UPS ground only when delivery will be completed in two or three days. I recommend 2-day UPS or FedEx air for shipment beyond this area during the heat of summer and cold spells in winter. Anyone who has a commercial FedEx account can save on shipping charges by allowing me to bill to that account. NOTE for Overseas customers (SEEDS ONLY are shipped - no plants!): Since the charges for conversion of foreign currency will often be more than the cost of the purchase, please make payment on some medium of exchange in US Dollars. For more information on the plants, go to these pages: Images and descriptions in my Gallery of Salvias have been linked to the plant selections. Detailed horticultural information can be found in my Placard Books. I can lend you either a hard or an electronic copy on 30-day approval. Shipping Zone Map for UPS from Greensboro, NC UPS delivers by ground to the area in green, of course. I will do air deliveries to these areas unless the customer strongly expresses a preference for the ground method. In third day areas, choice of ground versus air is a matter of weather conditions and customer preference. Updated May 17, 2008 |
Print the form as a Web Page (simplest way, but poorest quality and non-editable): A PDF form can be downloaded and printed here: Get the Adobe Acrobat 6.0 reader from this site: Zipped MS Word document (editable) and GIF image forms can be downloaded here: You will have to extract the GIF and DOC files with StuffIt Expander, WinZip, PK Unzip, or some other archiving utility to access the files. For mailing back a hard copy, use the PDF or GIF option. To use the GIF file, place it as an image or picture in a word processor (Word, WordPerfect), bitmap editor (Adobe Photoshop or PaintShop Pro), or slide/presentation program (PowerPoint), save the file, and print out. For submission via e-mail attachment, use the MS Word file to enter desired items, save the file, and send. I will also accept orders compiled in WordPerfect or on spreadsheets (Excel, QuattroPro). Check with me before sending requests in other formats. New and improved options and features will be added to the order forms
as need requires and opportunity allows.
Richard F. Dufresne 1216 Okeeweemee-Star Road Star, NC 27356-7553 |
![]() |
There are some ISP providers like AOL that refuse connections with (look for comments like Illegal Host on the return post). To deal with this situation, send me either surface mail or call me by phone. I will set up another e-mail account to handle these posts, probably with Yahoo or Hotmail. |
Here is the schedule
of plant festivals, sales and presentations I will either attend or contribute
to during the year 2005:
Links to Other World of Salvia Pages:
Plant Inventory Lists
For cut and pasting in composing large orders and as a convenient
method for record keeping my
lists, downloaded them as a Rich
Text Format file, an Acrobat
file, or a Zipped Excel
Date: May 17, 2008
Salvia algeriensis | out of stock |
Salvia argentea | out of stock |
Salvia atrocyanea | out of stock |
Salvia azurea `Nekan' | out of stock |
Salvia azurea grandiflora | OK |
Salvia blepharophylla | low on stock |
Salvia blepharophylla `Diablo' | low on stock |
Salvia blepharophylla `Dulces Nombres' | out of stock |
Salvia blepharophylla `Painted Lady' | low on stock |
Salvia buchananii | OK |
Salvia cacaliaefolia | low on stock |
Salvia canariensis | out of stock |
Salvia candelabrum | out of stock |
Salvia canescens daghestanica | low on stock |
Salvia cardinalis | out of stock |
Salvia caudata `El Cielo Blue' | low on stock |
Salvia chamaedryoides | out of stock |
Salvia chamaedryoides YD | low on stock |
Salvia chamaedryoides x micr. Christine Yeo | OK |
Salvia chamelaeagnea | low on stock |
Salvia chiapensis | low on stock |
Salvia chionophylla | low on stock |
Salvia cinnabarina | out of stock |
Salvia clevelandii `Pozo Blue' | out of stock |
Salvia clevelandii `Winnifred Gilman' | out of stock |
Salvia clevelandii x `Aromas' | out of stock |
Salvia clinopodioides - Michoacan blue | out of stock |
Salvia coahuilensis | low on stock |
Salvia coccinea Black & Rouge | OK |
Salvia coccinea Brenthurst | OK |
Salvia coccinea lavender | out of stock |
Salvia coccinea Pink Lavender | low on stock |
Salvia concolor (S. cyanea)* | low on stock |
Salvia confertiflora | low on stock |
Salvia corrugata | low on stock |
Salvia curtiflora | low on stock |
Salvia curviflora | out of stock |
Salvia cyanescens | out of stock |
Salvia darcyi (S. schaffneri?) | OK |
Salvia dentata | out of stock |
Salvia dichlamys - red | out of stock |
Salvia dichlamys - scarlet | OK |
Salvia discolor | low on stock |
Salvia disermas - pink | OK |
Salvia disjuncta Fruit-scented | out of stock |
Salvia disjuncta Strybing | OK |
Salvia divinorum | out of stock |
Salvia dolomitica | low on stock |
Salvia dombeyi | out of stock |
Salvia dorisiana | low on stock |
Salvia elegans `Golden Delicious' PPAF | out of stock |
Salvia elegans (Honey Melon) | OK |
Salvia engelmannii | out of stock |
Salvia exserta | OK |
Salvia fallax | out of stock |
Salvia farinacea `Augusta Duelberg" | low on stock |
Salvia farinacea `Henry Duelberg" | OK |
Salvia farinacea `Texas Violet' | out of stock |
Salvia farinacea x`Indigo Spires' | low on stock |
Salvia fulgens | OK |
Salvia fulgens, var. cardinalis New form | OK |
Salvia gesneraeflora straight form | out of stock |
Salvia gesneraeflora mountain form | out of stock |
Salvia gesneraeflora `Mole Poblano' | out of stock |
Salvia gesneraeflora `Tequila' | out of stock |
Salvia gesneraeflora x mexicana `Raspberry Truffle' | OK |
Salvia glechomaefolia | OK |
Salvia glutinosa | out of stock |
Salvia gravida | OK |
Salvia greggii `Alba" | OK |
Salvia greggii `Big Pink' | OK |
Salvia greggii `Cherry Red' | out of stock |
Salvia greggii `Cienega de Oro' | low on stock |
Salvia greggii `Dark Purple' | low on stock |
Salvia greggii `Desert Blaze' PP | low on stock |
Salvia greggii `Diane' | OK |
Salvia greggii `Dwarf Pink' | low on stock |
Salvia greggii `Flame‘ | out of stock |
Salvia greggii `Furman's Red' | low on stock |
Salvia greggii `Lipstick' | OK |
Salvia greggii `Lowry's Peach' | low on stock |
Salvia greggii `Moonlight' | out of stock |
Salvia greggii `Orange Yucca-Do' | OK |
Salvia greggii `Peach La Encantada' | out of stock |
Salvia greggii `Pink Preference' | OK |
Salvia greggii `San Isidro Moon' | low on stock |
Salvia greggii `San Rafael Salmon' | OK |
Salvia greggii `Señorita Leah' | OK |
Salvia greggii `Sierra San Antonio' | OK |
Salvia greggii `Stampede Citron‘ | out of stock |
Salvia greggii `Stampede Cherry‘ | out of stock |
Salvia greggii `Stampede Lavender‘ | out of stock |
Salvia greggii `Stampede Punch‘ | out of stock |
Salvia greggii `Teresa" PP | OK |
Salvia greggii `Wild Thing' HCG | low on stock |
Salvia greggii x `Black Cherry' HCG | low on stock |
Salvia greggii x `Cherry Chief' | OK |
Salvia greggii x `Cherry Queen' | low on stock |
Salvia greggii x `Dark Dancer' | OK |
Salvia greggii x `Plum Wine' | OK |
Salvia greggii x `Raspberry Delight' HCG | low on stock |
Salvia greggii x `Raspberry Royale' | OK |
Salvia greggii x karwinskii `Riverside' | OK |
Salvia guaranitica `Argentina Skies' | low on stock |
Salvia guaranitica `Black & Blue' | low on stock |
Salvia guaranitica `Blue Ensign' | low on stock |
Salvia guaranitica, Van Remsen form | low on stock |
Salvia guaranitica (Brazil) | low on stock |
Salvia guaranitica (Costa Rica) | OK |
Salvia guaranitica x `Betsy's Choice' | low on stock |
Salvia guaranitica x `Purple Majesty' | OK |
Salvia holwayi | OK |
Salvia indica | out of stock |
Salvia involucrata (Smith College) | low on stock |
Salvia involucrata bethelii (Logee) | low on stock |
Salvia involucrata Hadspen (WHill) | low on stock |
Salvia involucrata x `Mulberry Jam' | OK |
Salvia iodantha (Baton Rouge) | low on stock |
Salvia iodantha (Huntington B. G.) | low on stock |
Salvia iodantha (SWNS) | low on stock |
Salvia iodantha x `Louis Saso' | OK |
Salvia jorgehintoniana | low on stock |
Salvia karwinskii | low on stock |
Salvia karwinskii, salmon | out of stock |
Salvia karwinskii x puberula | OK |
Salvia keerli (Yucca-Do) | OK |
Salvia koyamae | out of stock |
Salvia leucantha `Eder' | low on stock |
Salvia leucantha `Midnight' (All Purple) | OK |
Salvia leucantha - Emerald sage | OK |
Salvia leucantha `Santa Barbara' PP | low on stock |
Salvia leucantha x `Phyllis Fancy' | OK |
Salvia leucantha `Waverley' | OK |
Salvia leucantha x rutilans `Anthony Parker' | OK |
Salvia littae | low on stock |
Salvia lycioides | out of stock |
Salvia lycioides x greggii `Los Lirios' | out of stock |
Salvia lycioides x greggii `Purple Pastel' | OK |
Salvia lycioides x greggii `San Isidro' | OK |
Salvia macrophylla `Tingo Blue' | low on stock |
Salvia madrensis (SWNS) | low on stock |
Salvia melissodora `Grape scented | out of stock |
Salvia melissodora (Yucca-Do) see S. keerli | |
Salvia mellifera | out of stock |
Salvia mexicana `Elise' | low on stock |
Salvia mexicana `La Placita' | low on stock |
Salvia mexicana `Lollie Jackson' | low on stock |
Salvia mexicana `Ocampo' | low on stock |
Salvia mexicana `Of the Night' | OK |
Salvia mexicana `Puerto de la Zorra' | low on stock |
Salvia mexicana `Tula' | low on stock |
Salvia mexicana (lime calyx) Limelight | OK |
Salvia mexicana Compton's Form | low on stock |
Salvia mexicana minor | low on stock |
Salvia mexicana minor `Snowflake' | OK |
Salvia meyeri | out of stock |
Salvia microphylla `18 de Marzo' | low on stock |
Salvia microphylla `Hoja Grande' | OK |
Salvia microphylla `Hot Lips' | OK |
Salvia microphylla `La Trinidad Pink' | OK |
Salvia microphylla `Lutea' | low on stock |
Salvia microphylla `Orange Door' | OK |
Salvia microphylla `Red Velvet' | low on stock |
Salvia microphylla `San Carlos Festival' | low on stock |
Salvia microphylla `Two Tone' | out of stock |
Salvia microphylla `Wild Watermelon' | low on stock |
Salvia microphylla `Wild Watermelon' - false | out of stock |
Salvia microphylla `Zaragoza' | OK |
Salvia microphylla (Huntington) | OK |
Salvia microphylla (SW Ntv Sds) Purple | low on stock |
Salvia microphylla (SW Ntv Sds) Red | low on stock |
Salvia microphylla Deltoid-leaved | low on stock |
Salvia microphylla v. neurepia | OK |
Salvia microphylla v. grahamii | out of stock |
Salvia microphylla x `Maraschino' | OK |
Salvia microphylla x `Maraschino' - false | low on stock |
Salvia microphylla x darcyi `Scarlet Spires' HCG | low on stock |
Salvia microphylla x darcyi `Silke's Dream' | OK |
Salvia miniata | OK |
Salvia muelleri | OK |
Salvia muirii | out of stock |
Salvia myriantha | out of stock |
Salvia namaensis | low on stock |
Salvia nipponica | out of stock |
Salvia nipponica `Fuji Snow' | low on stock |
Salvia nubicola | out of stock |
Salvia oppositiflora | out of stock |
Salvia oxyphora | out of stock |
Salvia palaestina | out of stock |
Salvia patens | out of stock |
Salvia patens `Cambridge Blue' | out of stock |
Salvia patens `Guanajuato' | out of stock |
Salvia patens `Lavender Lady' | out of stock |
Salvia patens `White Trophy' | out of stock |
Salvia penstemonoides | out of stock |
Salvia puberula `El Butano' | low on stock |
Salvia puberula (Hidalgo) | OK |
Salvia puberula (Yucca-Do) | OK |
Salvia purpurea | OK |
Salvia purpurea `Lavender Lace' | low on stock |
Salvia recurva | low on stock |
Salvia regla `Jame' - Coahuila Mountain Tree Sage | low on stock |
Salvia regla - Hidalgo | low on stock |
Salvia regla `Mount Emory' | out of stock |
Salvia regla `Warnock's Choice' | out of stock |
Salvia repens white flowers | out of stock |
Salvia reptans, east Texas form | out of stock |
Salvia reptans, west Texas form | OK |
Salvia roborowskii | out of stock |
Salvia roemeriana | out of stock |
Salvia rubescens | out of stock |
Salvia rubiginosa | out of stock |
Salvia rutilans `Frieda Dixon' | out of stock |
Salvia rutilans (creeping form) | out of stock |
Salvia rypara | low on stock |
Salvia sagittata | out of stock |
Salvia scabra | out of stock |
Salvia schaffneri - see S. darcyi | |
Salvia scutellarioides | low on stock |
Salvia semiatrata | low on stock |
Salvia sessei | low on stock |
Salvia sinaloensis | low on stock |
Salvia somaliensis | out of stock |
Salvia sonomensis | out of stock |
Salvia sp. SL411 (sect. Biflorae) | OK |
Salvia sp. `Blue Chiquita' | out of stock |
Salvia sp. `Kathy' | out of stock |
Salvia sp. `Purple Stem Sage' | low on stock |
Salvia sp. `San Jose' | low on stock |
Salvia sp. `Silver Leaf' | out of stock |
Salvia sp. from Chiapas | out of stock |
Salvia sp. from Smith College (blue flowers) | low on stock |
Salvia splendens Lavender | OK |
Salvia splendens Pink | low on stock |
Salvia splendens Peach-colored | out of stock |
Salvia splendens Yvonne's | out of stock |
Salvia sprucei | out of stock |
Salvia stolonifera | out of stock |
Salvia subrotunda | low on stock |
Salvia taraxicifolia | OK |
Salvia thymoides | out of stock |
Salvia tubifera | out of stock |
Salvia tubiflora | low on stock |
Salvia uliginosa | OK |
Salvia univerticillata (formerly sold as S. pulchella) | low on stock |
Salvia urica, JL Hutson form | low on stock |
Salvia urica (U C Berkeley) | low on stock |
Salvia urica, short form | low on stock |
Salvia vanhouttei (burgundy) | low on stock |
Salvia vanhouttei `Dancing Flames' | low on stock |
Salvia vanhouttei (lavender) | out of stock |
Salvia vanhouttei (light orange, peach) | OK |
Salvia vanhouttei (orange) | out of stock |
Salvia vanhouttei (orange) E Resweber | low on stock |
Salvia vanhouttei (orange) Louis' Delight | low on stock |
Salvia vanhouttei (plum) | low on stock |
Salvia vanhouttei Paul (purple) | OK |
Salvia villosa | OK |
Salvia wagneriana | low on stock |
Salvia x jamensis `Cabrillo Sunset' | low on stock |
Salvia x jamensis `Devantville' | OK |
Salvia x jamensis `La Luna' | low on stock |
Salvia x jamensis `La Tarda' | low on stock |
Salvia x jamensis `Pat Vlasto' | low on stock |
Salvia x westerae | out of stock |
* - May be red-flowered species
Agastache aurantiaca | out of stock |
Agastache barberi | out of stock |
Agastache breviflora | out of stock |
Agastache cusickii | out of stock |
Agastache mexicana `Toronjil Morado' | out of stock |
Agastache rupestris | out of stock |
Agastache sp. Caton Co., NM | out of stock |
Caryopteris divaricata | out of stock |
Catoferia chiapensis | low on stock |
Chelonopsis moschata | out of stock |
Clerodendrum bungei | out of stock |
Clerodendrum trichotomum | out of stock |
Clerodendrum ugandense | low on stock |
Coleus frederickii | out of stock |
Coleus thyrsoides | out of stock |
Colquhounia coccinea f. mollis | low on stock |
Dracocephalum wallachii | out of stock |
Hemizygia sp. Zimbabwe (Silverhill Seed) | OK |
Hyptis emoryi | low on stock |
Leonotis leonuris | out of stock |
Leonotis leonuris, white-flowered | out of stock |
Leonotis menthaefolia | low on stock |
Lepechina hastata | low on stock |
Meehania cordata | low on stock |
Meehania montis-koyae | out of stock |
Monarda sp. `Puerto Purificacion' | low on stock |
Orthosiphon labiatus | low on stock |
Perilla frutescens `Magilla' | out of stock |
Perrierastrum oreophyllum | OK |
Plectranthus argentatus | OK |
Plectranthus behrii | OK |
Plectranthus ciliatus | OK |
Plectranthus ecklonii | OK |
Plectranthus fruticosus | OK |
Plectranthus haidensis | low on stock |
Plectranthus haidensis ssp. tomentosus | out of stock |
Plectranthus hilliardiae | out of stock |
Plectranthus hilliardiae, large red flowered form | OK |
Plectranthus `Mona Lavender' | OK |
Plectranthus oertendahlei | low on stock |
Plectranthus saccatus | OK |
Plectranthus zuluensis | OK |
Pogostemon plectranthoides | low on stock |
Poliomintha bustamanta | low on stock |
Prostanthera nivea v. induta | out of stock |
Prostanthera ovalifolia | out of stock |
Prostanthera sericea | low on stock |
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium `Cat Springs' | out of stock |
Pycnostachys dawei | low on stock |
Pycnostachys reticulata | out of stock |
Pycnostachys urticifolia | out of stock |
Scutellaria costaricana | out of stock |
Scutellaria javanensis | low on stock |
Scutellaria longifolia | low on stock |
Scutellaria longifolia, Cherry Red form | low on stock |
Scutellaria moiciniana | low on stock |
Scutellaria ovata | out of stock |
Scutellaria resinosa | out of stock |
Scutellaria seleriana | out of stock |
Scutellaria suffrutescens | out of stock |
Scutellaria Blue Bird | OK |
Tetradenia hardyi | out of stock |
Tetradenia riparia (Iboza rip.) | low on stock |
Teucrium cossonii | out of stock |
Teucrium orientale | out of stock |
Thorncroftia succulenta | OK |
Tinnea rhodesica | out of stock |
Westringia brevifolia var. raleighii | out of stock |
Westringia fruticosa 'Wynyabbie Gem' | out of stock |
Westringia fruticosa 'Smokie' | out of stock |
Aloysia gratissima | low on stock |
Bowiea volubilis | low on stock |
Callicarpa mexicana | out of stock |
Caryopteris divaricata | out of stock |
Citrumelo | out of stock |
Citrus hystrix | out of stock |
Citrus Limequat | out of stock |
Cyrtanthus x henryi `William Penn' | low on stock |
Hedychium coccineum | out of stock |
Hedychium coronarium | out of stock |
Jasminium polyanthes | out of stock |
Lobelia laxiflora | low on stock |
Rosa nitida | out of stock |
Strobilanthes isophylla | low on stock |
Tagetes lemmonii | OK |
Zephyranthes grandiflora | low on stock |
Zephyranthes `La Bufa Rosa' | OK |
Seeds Offered for 2008:
Most of these seeds have been collected in late 2004
Agastache aurantiaca | Salvia mexicana Tula |
Agastache rupestris | Salvia patens |
Nepeta subsessilis | Salvia recognita |
Salvia columbariae | Salvia uliginosa |
Salvia cyanescens | Scutellaria scordiifolia |
Salvia nubicola | Scutellaria supina |
Salvia jurisicii | Teucrium hyrcanicum |
Limited Amount of Seed (these are older seeds)
Nepeta subsessilis | Salvia nubicola |
Plectranthus behrii | Salvia palestina |
Plectranthus haidensis v. haidensis | Salvia regla `Mount Emory' |
Salvia coahuilensis | Salvia schaffneri (S. darcyi) |
Salvia disermas | Salvia scutellarioides |
Salvia lycioides x greggii `Los Lirios' | Salvia sp. S. African aromatic (Seedhunt) |
Order Forms:
Plant Inventory Lists:
For large orders and a convenient method to keep my lists,
they can be downloaded as a:
Rich Text Format file (PlntLst1.RTF) or a Zipped Excel file (PlntLst1.ZIP)
Here is the schedule
of plant festivals, sales and presentations I will either attend or contribute
to during the year 2008:
Links to Other World of Salvia Pages: